My A-HA Moment - WhoNotHow
I read 6 business/self-improvement books a month and have done so for the last 15 years. I wish this book was available 10 years ago- it would have made my life so much easier, and grown my business so much bigger.
In “Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork,” authors Ben Hardy and Dan Sullivan blew my mind with their concept of “Who Not How.”
The mindset shift is absolutely required for you to hit the 'next level'
The fact is you need to ensure you have a team in place that can do all the activities that need to be done in your business. This is a key part of Fire Yourself First. You need to be able to walk away from the business at any time without impacting the business. The benefits are increased business valuation and increased mental health to you and your family!
The first step is to know your “Unique Ability®.” You need to know what you love to do, and what gives you energy, so you will know what to delegate and get off your plate. Visit Strategic Coach to learn more about it.
Here is how I implemented “Who Not How.” The first thing I did was create an “activity inventory” of what you do every day and move everything that doesn’t invigorate and energize me off my plate. This is not just professionally, but personally as well. If you don’t like mowing the lawn or cleaning your house, get someone who does enjoy doing it to do it. If you hate reviewing AR reports, then make that someone else’s responsibility. You need to find the “who’s” in your organization that can take tasks and activities off your plate. Remember this, for everything you hate doing, there is someone who loves doing it!” This will allow you to focus on what you do best and enjoy doing. For me, I love to strategize and look into the future to see where we will go. By losing all the busy work I was doing in the business, I gained so much more energy and clarity, it was like a 10X return for both me and the business.
As new opportunities come up, I now first think “Who is going to do this? Because it’s not going to be me!” I no longer worry about how something is going to get done, I now think of “who” is going to be responsible and do it. You cannot imagine the relief I now get from losing so many worries. I also implemented dashboards and scorecards for each employee and leader, so that I can see at a high level if they are doing what needs to be done to meet our goals (I include the “how” in my book, Fire Yourself First.)
Right now, take a look at your life. Where can you outsource or delegate activities you don’t enjoy doing, and don’t energize you, both professionally and personally? What if you didn’t have to do them? How would that make your day better?
Who Not How is an easy read (or listen), so pick it up today. It’s such a simple concept. You’ll wonder why you didn’t implement it years ago!
Be Well, Jeff
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